CTO releases draft of our first Reconciliation Action Plan
Draft Reconciliation Action Plan – A Reflect RAP 2023 – 2024
It is with great pride that the Community Transport Organisation presents the draft of our first Reconciliation Action Plan, a Reflect RAP for 2023-2024. Our RAP will guide us on the reconciliation journey both in our own organisation, and as a peak body, in support of action across the sector
The development of a RAP supports our mission to lead an inclusive community transport sector for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples who engage with the CTO, and our members, whether as an employee, stakeholder, partner, funder, or service user. The CTO are in a position to influence and lead this uplift within the community transport sector and it is our goal to shine a light on best practice.
Our Reflect RAP will provide the opportunity to first look within our sector, to understand the starting point on our Reconciliation journey, and help to chart a path for continued work in this space. We seek to grow our understanding of what an inclusive community transport sector looks like, for both a peak body, and as a service provider in community.
Before we submit our RAP to Reconciliation Australia for final approval, it is important we hear your feedback on what we have proposed. As our intention is to drive Reconciliation initiatives across the CT sector, it is vital that we have your support.
Please take a look over our draft Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, and then share your feedback with us below by Tuesday 21st February, 2023.
For those of you who have not engaged with the RAP process previously, there are certain required deliverables in a RAP which are set out by Reconciliation Australia.
For reference to these, please also see the Reconciliation Australia Reflect RAP template from which our draft RAP was developed.
You can read more about the RAP process on the Reconciliation Australia website
We look forward to hearing your invaluable feedback, and working with you on this important journey going forward
The CTO would like to thank the ongoing contributions of our RAP Working Group who have played an integral role in this process.